Olvasás - Read! Read! Read!
Prievara Tibor
2003/06/21 22:30
1838 megtekintés
A cikk már legalább egy éve nem frissült, az akkor még aktuális információk lehet, hogy mára elavultak.
Most ezeket a sorokat olvasod éppen. Ha szeretnél angolul is olvasni, a következő kifejezésekre feltétlenül szükséged lesz az eligazodás során. Olvass bátran tovább, majd oldd meg a feladatokat!

Dear Friend,
If you happen to be a bookworm like myself, you will understand what I am going through when I enter a bookshop. A soft trembling comes over me seeing all those hard-covers and paperbacks. I walk along the bookshelves and run my fingers over the spines of the books. I see novels, plays, collections of poems and short stories, and biographies all around.
Science fiction books are separated from dictionaries, bedtime stories are on different shelves from pulp fictions. There is even a section for bestsellers. Books are also put in alphabetical order according to their authors, playwrights or poets.
Which one shall I choose? There are so many I would like to read. I pick some, skim them over and then put them back. After a long search I find the book I was looking for. I read a couple of paragraphs of its preface and it convinces me. I pay for it and I get a bookmark as a present. I leave the store and I feel I have become rich again. Do you often feel the same?

Your Friend!


bookworm - könyvmoly
bookshop - könyvesbolt
hard-cover - kemény kötésű könyv
paperback - puhafedelű könyv
bookshelf - könyvespolc
spine - könyvgerinc
novel - regény
play - színdarab
collection of poems - verses kötet
collection of short stories - novellás kötet
biography - életrajz
science fiction book - tudományos-fantasztikus könyv
dictionary - szótár
bedtime story - esti mese
pulp fiction - ponyvaregény
bestseller - "bestseller", könyvsiker
author - író
playwright - drámaíró
poet - költő
to skim over - átfutni (könyvet)
paragraph - bekezdés
preface - előszó
bookmark - könyvjelző

Ugorjunk a feladatokra !

1. Párosítsd a kifejezéseket a definíciójukkal!

1) someone who reads a lot
2) a piece acted out in the theatre
3) someone who writes poems
4) to quickly read through a book
5) a book of someone's life
6) a shop where you can buy books
7) a successful book
8) furniture on which you put books

b) biography
c) bookshelf
d) to skim over
e) bookworm
f) bestseller
g) play
h) poet
i) book store

2. Állapítsd meg, hogy az állítások igazak-e, vagy hamisak!

a) You can look up what an English word means in Hungarian in a dictionary.
b) A novel is usually a short piece of writing.
c) Little kids are told bedtime stories before they go to sleep.
d) A playwright writes tragedies and comedies.
e) Pulp fiction is considered less valuable.
f) Short stories are at least three hundred pages long.
g) Hard-covers are more expensive than paperbacks.

Megoldások !

1) someone who reads a lot - bookworm
2) a piece acted out in the theatre - play
3) someone who writes poems - poet
4) to quickly read through a book - to skim over
5) a book of someone's life - biography
6) a shop where you can buy books - book store
7) a successful book - bestseller
8) a piece of furniture on which you put books - bookshelf

a) igaz
b) hamis
c) igaz
d) igaz
e) igaz
f) hamis
g) igaz

Csatlakozz hozzánk!


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