Szókincsfejlesztés - Beszél(get) (4)
Kifejezéstár - Beszél(get) (4)
- She raised a questioning eyebrow. (kérdően vonta fel szemöldökét)
- He should have tried it alone, if you ask me. (ha engem kérdezel)
- Policemen always get asked that. (mindig ezt kérdezik tőlük)
- The police decided to dig a little into her past. (vájkálnak egy picit a múltjában)
- The Professor had finished, and Judy and Donald were firing questions at her. (kérdésekkel bombázták)
- I could hear their voice as clear as a bell. (kb. kristálytisztán hallottam)
- Being the nosy type, I thought I'd pick his brains. (kb. kérdezgetem)
- The car stopped and there was a brief and pregnant pause. (vészterhes csönd)
- The question arises; who is this analysis for, and who does what about it? (felmerül a kérdés)
- It brings into question the belief that one should always put the customer first. (megkérdőjelezi)
- Broadly speaking, there are three types of insects. (nagyjából)
- Personally speaking, I never thought he was that intelligent. (személyes véleményem szerint)
- Generally speaking, languages with relatively free word order are easier to learn. (általánosságban véve)
- Could you speak up a bit more? (beszélne hangosabban)
- He got it from Mrs Thatcher - or so the story goes. (kb. ezt tartja a fáma)
- Let's change the subject. (váltsunk témát)
- I'll never see him again, he just talks at you all the time. (egyfolytában beszél hozzád)
- I used to dance round them and sing at the top of my voice. (amilyen hangosan csak tudtam)
- She has not uttered a word since breakfast. (egy szót sem szólt)
- It sounds terrific, but I might pause to question the wisdom of such a move. (megkérdőjelezném a bölcsességét)
- We had a heart to heart following some comments supposedly made by him. (lelkiztünk, megbeszéltük)
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