Szókincsfejlesztés - Boldog
Jávorszky Gábor
2003/03/04 21:10
3601 megtekintés
A cikk már legalább egy éve nem frissült, az akkor még aktuális információk lehet, hogy mára elavultak.
Újabb fejezettel bővül szókincsfejlesztő rovatunk. Mai témánk: 'Boldogság'. Több, mint 50 kifejezést tanulhattok meg, például azt, hogy mi a 'röhögőgörcs' angolul, hogyan lehet 'repesni' a boldogságtól, vagy akár azt is, hogy hogyan lehet 'szétröhögni az agyunkat' angolul.

Kifejezértár - Boldog

  1. After I passed that exam, I felt I was walking on air. (kb. repdesett a boldogságtól)
  2. Children are lucky, they don't seem to have a care in the world. (semmire sincs gondjuk)
  3. After the exam she was on cloud nine. (kb. a fellegekben járt)
  4. Her sister is all smiles. (csupa mosoly)
  5. Her heart leapt at the sight of him. (megdobbant a szíve)
  6. The boys took this all in good heart, as they probably had all their lives. (könnyedén, pozitívan)
  7. He didn't know it was possible to reach such heights of happiness. (kb. ilyen nagy boldogságot)
  8. We were content to wait. (boldogan, szívesen)
  9. It does my heart good to see they're looking after her so well. (jót tesz a lelkemnek)
  10. She smiled like a cat that's got the cream. (kb. mint a jóllakott napközis)
  11. He will be more than happy to help us out. (nagyon szívesen)
  12. His eyes are shining with happiness. (sugárzik a szeméből a boldogság)
  13. Meeting her has made my day. (jókedvem lett tőle)
  14. Dwelling on the past drags one down, she told herself - don't let it . (elszomorítja az embert)
  15. When she saw me, she smiled from ear to ear. (kb. nagyot mosolygott)
  16. Her face lit up when she heard the news. (felragyogott az arca)
  17. Always try to look on the bright side of life. (az élet napos oldalát nézd)
  18. He was on a real high after he got his degree. (kb. nagyon fel volt pörögve)
  19. I didn't exactly jump for joy when I heard the news. (nem volt nagyon boldog)
  20. She wasn't any the less happy for having to do overtime every day. (nem bánta)
  21. She has a real lust for life. (kb. imádja az életet)
  22. Laughter is the best medicine. (a nevetés a legjobb orvosság)
  23. Their spirits rose when the cakes arrived. (jobb kedve lett)
  24. He kept smiling but we knew he was sick at heart. (boldogtalan)
  25. Remember, always keep your spirits up. (jókedvű legyél)
  26. Sophie smiled mechanically, but her spirits sank. (elkomorodott)
  27. She was on top of the world after the wedding. (kb. a világ tetején érezte magát)
  28. She looked at him with a twinkle in her eye. (csillogó szemmel)
  29. We looked at him and everyone just cracked up. (elnevette magát)
  30. He laughed his head off at the party. (kb. szétröhögte az agyát)
  31. Gradually, when they were exhausted, the laughter died. (elhalt a nevetés)
  32. We nearly died laughing when he started talking about his childhood. (majd meghaltunk a nevetéstől)
  33. To her bewilderment they both dissolved into giggles. (nevetésben törtek ki)
  34. She's doubled up laughing! (összegörnyedt a nevetéstől)
  35. The comedian had us all in fits of laughter. (kb. röhögőgörcsöt kaptunk tőle)
  36. She had a fit of the giggles at the exam, which was quite embarrassing. (kb. röhögőgörcs)
  37. She had the audience hooting with laughter. (kb. hangosan nevettek)
  38. She had us all in hysterics. (megnevettetett)
  39. We were killing ourselves laughing. (majd meghaltunk a nevetéstől)
  40. We burst out laughing. (kipukkadt belőle a nevetés)
  41. He was laughing like a drain. (nagyon nevetett)
  42. We almost laughed out loud when he entered the room. (hangosan felnevetett)
  43. We have no problems at all, we are at peace with the world. (kb. jól érezte magát a bőrében)
  44. He was as pleased as punch to be working with Dad. (kb. örült, mint majom a farkának)
  45. He would be only too pleased to help. (nagyon boldogan)
  46. I heard she was rather pleased with herself. (elégedett volt önmagával)
  47. The letter I received from her raised my spirits a little. (jobb kedvre derített)
  48. He's just got his degree, he's in seventh heaven. (a hetedik mennyországban érezte magát)
  49. We split our sides laughing/with laughter last night. (fájt az oldalunk a nevetéstől)
  50. He had us in stitches. (nagyon megnevettetett)
  51. It was very difficult to keep a straight face. (kb. fapofával hallgatni)

Irány a Feladatlap!

Csatlakozz hozzánk!


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