Feladatlap - Akar (2)
Jávorszky Gábor
2003/02/07 00:00
2203 megtekintés
A cikk már legalább egy éve nem frissült, az akkor még aktuális információk lehet, hogy mára elavultak.

Válaszd ki a helyes megoldást az alábbi mondatokban.

  1. He had written to me every week, and I was longing to see/for seeing him again.
  2. Where there's a will there's away/solution .
  3. He devoted himselfto/forthe poor of Leicester.
  4. His thinking was dominated/prevailed by financial concerns.
  5. We hope that you will pressto/for these changes.
  6. Hungarian chess players say she is like her father, with a will/power of iron.
  7. He can't be bothered to get/getting jobs, he's so lazy!
  8. His car wouldn't/didn't want to start.
  9. They threw/put themselves heart and soul into finding a solution.
  10. In the end, Frank and I met of/from our own volition.

Csatlakozz hozzánk!


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