Interaktív szókincsfejlesztés a Sulineten. Mai témánk újra: 'AKAR'
Kifejezéstár - Akar (2)
- Hungarian chess players say she is like her father, with a will of iron. (vasakarat)
- He lent him the money against his better judgement. (belátása ellenére)
- He had written to me every week, and I was longing to see him again. (vágytam rá, hogy)
- What girl could resist the lure of the first new clothes she had possessed in years? (ellenállni a kísértésnek)
- Well, I've been meaning to tell you for ages. (akartam)
- He can't be bothered to get jobs, he's so lazy! (nem veszi a fáradtságot)
- This car won't start. (nem akar)
- His car wouldn't start. (nem akart)
- If you won't go to bed earlier, no wonder you're tired. (nem hajlandó)
- They threw themselves heart and soul into finding a solution. (teljes erőbedobással próbálták)
- Jack knows his heart is not in it. (kb. nem szívvel-lélekkel csinálja)
- She became known as a doctor dedicated to her work. (el van kötelezve)
- He devoted himself to the poor of Leicester. (a szegényeknek él)
- As the police force of the music business, the union is heavily committed to 'crime prevention'. (eltökéltek)
- We hope that you will press for these changes. (erőteljesen sürget)
- He seems to want us to leave the company at any price. (bármi áron)
- His thinking was dominated by financial concerns. (uralták a gondolatait)
- In the end, Frank and I met of our own volition. (saját akaratukból)
- Where there's a will there's a way. (kb. ha nagyon akarsz valamit, az sikerülni is fog)