Megoldások az ismétlő feladatokhoz - Aggódik, Akar
Válaszd ki az alábbi mondatokban az odaillő szót.
- burning
- way
- wouldn't
- at
- at
- despite
- Chin
- intended
- at
- soul
Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a megfelelő prepozícióval.
- for
- of
- round
- for
- from
- on/upon
- against
- in
- to
- of
Most pedig jöjjön egy kis fordítás.
- His thinking was dominated by the problems of his private life.
- Where the hell have you been? We've been worried sick about you.
- He couldn't resist the lure of money.
- She left the country of her own volition.
- I'm sure he'll come back. Don't distress yourself.
- What are you getting/driving at?
- We have no fear for tomorrow.
- I don't feel the slightest inclination to talk to him about these things.
- Be it far from me to criticise him behind his back.
- Nothing serious has happened, he's only angling for sympathy.
Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a megfelelő szavakkal a dobozból.
- devoted
- eating
- judgement
- pressed
- eased
- meaning
- bothered
- least
- longing
- iron