Szókincsfejlesztés - Bizonytalan... vagy bizonyos
Jávorszky Gábor
2003/03/23 21:30
5220 megtekintés
A cikk már legalább egy éve nem frissült, az akkor még aktuális információk lehet, hogy mára elavultak.
Rengeteg hasznos kifejezést találtok szókincsfejlesztő cikkünkben, ezúttal arra vonatkozóan, hogy miként fejezhetjük ki azt, ha biztosak vagyunk valamiben, vagy éppen bizonytalankodunk. Várhatóan nem fog meglepetést okozni, hogy a kifejezéstárban található szókincset a feladatokban gyakorolhatjátok.

Kifejezértár - Bizonytalan

  1. The future of the school is still up in the air. (kb. a levegőben lóg)
  2. The future of the school still hangs in the balance. (kétséges)
  3. The developments of 1998 cast further doubt on his future. (még kétségesebbé tették)
  4. We hope this chapter will give you some ideas on what to expect and what to ask for. (reméljük)
  5. No one was in doubt as to whom was meant. (senkinek sem volt kétsége)
  6. If in doubt, do not hesitate to call us. (ha kétsége van)
  7. He has just moved here, he's still feeling his way. (kb. próbál eligazodni)
  8. We had mixed feelings about what she told us. (vegyes érzelmekkel fogadtuk)
  9. His studies throw doubt on whether these businesses are viable. (megkérdőjelezi)
  10. He seemed, for once, at a loss for words. (nem találta a szavakat)
  11. He may not fancy it, but it's a safe bet that he would be the first man to do it. (kb. biztosra vehető)
  12. I can't say for certain whether I'll be able to make it. (nem tudom biztosan megmondani)
  13. To my certain knowledge he has never done anything like that. (tudomásom szerint)
  14. Our objective is to make certain you know we strongly object to this development. (megbizonyosodjunk)
  15. Matron kept calling on Tock, making sure he was fine. (kb. hogy biztos legyen benne)
  16. He expressed his confidence that everybody would come. (kifejezte meggyőződését)
  17. It never crossed my mind that she could actually leave me. (meg sem fordult a fejemben)
  18. I'm confident that he'll do everything to help you. (bizonyos vagyok)
  19. Whether that website was worth that money is open to/a matter for debate. (vita tárgya)
  20. Can find out for definite what the final results are? (biztosan)
  21. 'Can I take that book?' 'That depends. Only if you bring it back next week.' (attól függ)
  22. What was shown beyond doubt was that it was one of the finest racehorses ever. (minden kétséget kizáróan)
  23. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she is the one. (minden kétséget kizáróan)
  24. No doubt she'll pass that exam. (biztosan)
  25. He seemed rather dubious about our plan. (bizonytalan)
  26. I know for a fact that they have never taken out a bank loan. (kb. biztosan tudom)
  27. I took it for granted that we'd go together. (kb. egyértelműnek gondoltam)
  28. I thought I was on safe ground talking about birds. (kb. biztonságos)
  29. Wearing sunglasses indoors is pretty much guaranteed to draw attention to you. (minden bizonnyal)
  30. 'Where is John now?' 'It's anybody's guess.' (kb. fogalmam sincs)
  31. I have high hopes for the evening. (nagy reményeim vannak)
  32. She would not travel so much if she did not hold out hope for the relationship. (nem hitt)
  33. She might change her mind, you never know. (nem lehet tudni)
  34. 'What will happen to me after I die?' 'It is in the lap of the gods.' (az istenek kezében van a döntés)
  35. It seemed a long shot, but we felt we had to try. (kb. rizikósnak tűnt)
  36. They have the league cup in their pocket. (már a zsebükben érzik)
  37. Whether he actually committed murder remains an open question. (nyitott kérdés marad)
  38. The fact that regular exercise is beneficial is beyond question. (nem kérdéses)
  39. What you've just said is a recipe for disaster. (kb. biztos bukás)
  40. It remains to be seen if that plan is workable. (kb. később fog csak kiderülni)
  41. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was the same man. (minden kétséget kizáróan)
  42. It just goes to show that you can't believe all you read. (ez is csak azt bizonyítja)
  43. It was him - I'd stake my life on it. (az életemet feltenném rá)
  44. One thing is for sure - we'll have to work hard. (egy dolog biztos)
  45. I could have sworn I saw your ex-wife the other day. (meg mertem volna esküdni)
  46. If he swore blind that he'd come, I wouldn't believe him. (ha "letenné a nagyesküt")
  47. I think I've returned all the books, but I couldn't swear to it. (nem mernék megesküdni)
  48. There's no telling what the outcome will be. (nem lehet tudni)
  49. You must do your homework every day - there are no two ways about it. (kb. nincs mese)
  50. But the outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion. (kb. előre eldöntött)
  51. Certain facts are beyond dispute. (kb. minden kétségen felül)

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