Az MNB devizagazdálkodási hatásköre The NBH is the central authority of foreign exchange controls and therefore it is entitled to decide to take up foreign loans. Financial institutions are to draw foreign loans subject to approval by the NBH. The NBH is ...
Íróasztal, irodaszék In every office a writing desk and a chair are perhaps the minimum requirements to be found. The writing desk is optimally large enough to accommodate a monitor, a cable telephone set, some stationery, document holders and some ...
A kiállító-standok munkatársai At exhibitions business is conducted face to face, this is the most persuasive form of selling, and of building customer relationships. That is why it is so important whom customers meet at the exhibitors’ stands. Gorgeous ...
Bt., Kft. és Rt. alapítása The formalities for the creation of a company are relatively simple. Two basic documents, the memorandum of association and the articles of association are drawn up and signed by the founding members. These documents and certain ...
Decide whether the following statement is true or false! The National Bank of Hungary is the central authority of foreign exchange controls because it is entitled to decide to take up foreign loans. Decide whether the following statement is true or false! ...
Egymáshoz közeli számítógépek Két számítógép összekötésére két alapvető módszer létezik: a vezetékes és a vezeték nélküli kapcsolat. A gépek vezetékkel történő összekötése ma már szinte kizárólag hálózati kábellel történik. A kezdetben használt soros, és ...
Helyi adó Local taxes are to be paid in all settlements. They are collected by the Local municipality. The main forms of local taxes are: - property related taxes - communal taxes - local trade tax - motor vehicle tax Property-related taxes are levied on ...
Kikből áll a menedzsment? Management of a multinational company 1.Board of Directors The members of the Board meet regularly to discuss reviews and reports on the business and plans of the company. 2.Executive Committee Chief Financial Officer ...
Egyéni vállalkozás alapítása Regarding the minimum requirements of setting up a sole proprietorship there are no formalities. In Hungary anyone can be a sole proprietor who is a Hungarian citizen, has power of disposal, is settled down in Hungary, has a ...
Értékesítés The agenda of an FMCG company’s sales meeting: - Reporting on the effectiveness of the latest campaign What was the result in numbers? Comparing sales figures with plans. What are the good and bad learning points? What were the reasons? What ...